The Seventh International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems

York, The University of York, United Kingdom, 19th-22nd September, 2010


Online registration for ISWCS 2010 is now available.

Please go to to register for ISWCS 2010. You will find ISWCS 2010 in the list of events and can then proceed to register by clicking on 'Book this event'. Please note that you can book accommodation on the University Campus as part of the registration process. If you have any problems registering, please contact York Conferences on +44 1904 328431.

The quickest and easiest way to pay for your registration is online using a debit or credit card. However, it is possible to pay by bank transfer for an additional administrative fee of £25. Please make your booking in the normal way and then contact the conference office when you get to the payment screen. They will then send you the necessary information to make a bank transfer. Do not enter any credit/debit card details if you are paying by bank transfer. Please note that it can take several days for a bank transfer to be successful, and your registration is not confirmed until the payment is received.

The registration fees for early and late registration will be as follows:

Registration Time IEEE Member Non-IEEE Member Student
Before 1st July 2010 £475 £550 £225
From 1st July 2010 £550 £625 £300

Note: Late registration made from the 3rd September onwards will incur an additional fee of £75.

Papers must be covered by a full registration (IEEE Member or Non-IEEE Member). It is not possible to register a paper under a student registration.

Up to two papers can be registered under a single full registration (IEEE Member or Non-IEEE Member).

Students have to provide proof of their status. Your student registration will not be processed until your valid student ID has been received.

Failure to meet these rules will cause your paper to be removed from the proceedings and conference programme.

All registrations include:

  • Access to all conference sessions, including tutorials, technical sessions, special sessions and keynote speeches and workshop.
  • Lunches and refreshments throughout the day.
  • Welcome reception/dinner.
  • Conference proceedings and delegate bag.

Cancellations must be done in writing. 50% of the registration fee will be refunded for cancellations received before the end of May. No refunds will be provided after the end of May. All refunds will be processed after the symposium.

WUN COGCOM 2010 Workshop Registration Only

If you are not presenting a paper and wish to attend only the WUN COGCOM 2010 Workshop on Wednesday 22nd September 2010, a workshop-only registration fee is available.

  • WUN COGCOM 2010 Workshop - £150
  • WUN COGCOM 2010 Workshop (for WUN Cognitive Consortium Members) - £75

WUN COGCOM 2010 Workshop registrations include:

  • Access to the WUN COGCOM Workshop sessions only
  • Lunch and refreshments throughout the day on Wednesday
  • Workshop proceedings and delegate bag, lunch and refreshments