Topics Adressed
[A short overview of the area that will be covered including an outline of
the tutorial in the form of a structured list of topics]
Target Audience
[Briefly describe the primary audience in this tutorial topic, including typical
job titles or functions. Explain how this audience can benefit from the tutorial,
and identify the single most compelling reason for someone to attend]
Material Available
[Tutorial presenters are expected to prepare hands-outs material for the audience,
which will be printed by the ISWCS'06 organizers. Such material should be
available several weeks before the start of the conference. A short description
of the materials the presenter plans to be provided to its audience should
be included here]
Presenters Biography
[A brief description of the scientific qualification of the presenter(s) including
their experience on teaching the material of the tutorial]
Requeriments List
[As part of the proposal, prepare a list of requirements for running the tutorial.
Include any supplies required for each participant, restrictions or conditions
on offering the tutorial, and other information that the review committee
should know in considering the proposal. Please include here the audio-visual
and computing equipment requirements]