** The submission deadline is 15 July 2005
Submission Instructions & On-line
Any queries with regards to publication, please feel free to contact
the Publication Chair, Yong-Huat Chew at
Step 1
In order to publish your paper in the proceedings, we require the
manuscript itself and a signed copyright form. The copyright form,
here, should be signed and scanned and email to
Step 2
Please go to
for paper registration by 15 July
2005. Failure to meet the registration deadline will
lead to paper being withdrawn from the conference.
- Papers with student as the PRIMARY author are welcome to register
for student registration provided the primary author is presenting
the paper.
- Note that authors of multiple papers have to register (
in the appropriate category for multiple papers.
Step 3
We are using an IEEE tool, PDF eXpressTM,
which will make it easier to ensure files submitted are IEEE XploreTM
compatible. This will allow you to convert your Word, LaTeX,
or range of other source files into IEEE XploreTM
compatible files (this option is preferred); alternatively
use PDF eXpress to check your own pdf files for compatibility.

Steps for using PDF eXpressTM for
- Create your manuscript(s). Your paper must be prepared using the
template as detailed below
- Proofread and check the manuscript layout (it is highly recommended
that you do this BEFORE going to IEEE PDF eXpress)
- Use IEEE PDF eXpress to attain IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF(s);
for this purpose, please go to this site
- Click on the 'First Time User' option to create an IEEE PDF eXpress
account. Enter "iswcs05" as conference ID
- Upload source file(s) for Conversion and/or PDF(s) for checking.
The site contains extensive instructions, resources, helpful hints,
and access to technical support
- Submit final, IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF(s) to
PDF eXpressTM
offers two options. If you have generated your own PDF, it will check
it for you and tell you if it is compatible, or if not, what the problem
is. Alternatively, you can upload files in a wide range of source
formats, and PDF eXpressTM will
convert it to PDF for you. In either case, if there is a problem you
can amend your file and upload again until the file is satisfactory.
Contact the technical staff through the email list in the website
if you persist to have problem.
Once you have converted your file using PDF eXpressTM,
your PDF file will have a filename PIDxxxxx. Please do not rename
this file. Please submit the PDF file to the following address:
with the subject title: Final-Camera Ready submission for EDAS ID:
156896xxxx for ISWCS (Main
Symposium) or IWSSC
Author with multiple papers are to make submission separately.
IEEE compliance is also why it is important that you conform strictly
to the submission guidelines. If your submission does not conform
to the guidelines, it will be returned to you for amendment. If you
are unable to update your paper in time to meet the publication deadline,
it will not be published.
The Maximum allowed page length for camera-ready paper is 5.
Margins should be as follows:
- US Letter or A4
- Top margin: 0.75 inch (19 mm)
- Bottom margin: 1 inch (43 mm)
- Side margins: 0.625 inch (13 mm)
A template is provided here
for Microsoft Word and here
for LaTeX. For LaTeX, be sure to use the template's conference mode.
See template documentation for details.
The preferred font is Times New Roman. Regular manuscript text should
be 10-point type. Minimum point size for all text (including
text in graphics and tables) is 4 points. The following fonts
are also acceptable:
- Arial MT
- Courier, Bold Italic
- Arial MT, Italic
- Symbol
- Arial MT, Bold
- Times New Roman PS MT
- Arial MT, Bold Italic
- Times New Roman PS MT, Italic
- Courier
- Times New Roman PS MT, Bold
- Courier, Italic
- Times New Roman PS MT, Bold Italic
- Courier, Bold
- ZapfDingbats
Use only these fonts to provide a consistent look to all the papers
in the proceedings. If you must use fonts other than those listed, they
must be either PostScript or TrueType. Use of custom-made or hacked
fonts is strictly prohibited.
Vector graphics are preferred for diagrams as they convert well
to PDF. Take care that font sizes in diagrams do not go below 4 pt.
Bitmapped images should be 300 dots per inch (dpi) at the size
they appear in your paper. Images below this resolution will not render
well in print; images above will be downsampled by us, but since doing
this during PDF conversion does not produce the best results, you
are advised to supply them at 300dpi. Do not use custom halftones
(photographs) and pattern fills - these can cause problems for PDF
conversion. Also, do not select "Smooth Graphics". This option
often produces extremely large files that will take a long time to
display and print. The Smooth Graphics option is usually found in
the Page Setup Dialog box in Macintosh applications and some Windows
Proposals for Tutorial and Panel Sessions are also
being solicited. Tutorials (half-day or full-day sessions) are intended
to provide in-depth learning on a specific topic of interest to the
participants. Panel sessions are 60 minutes long. They present leaders
in a particular area discussing a topic of interest to the attendees
of ISWCS 2005. Proposals for Tutorials and Panel sessions should consist
of 1000 words summary, a 150 word abstract, and a cover page listing
the details of the author(s). The proposer should send their contribution
to: , email:
Boon Sain Yeo, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Giovanni Giambene, University of Siena, Italy
Mario Gerla, UCLA Computer Science Department, CA, USA
Exhibitions of company products and/or testbed or prototying demonstration
of research works are solicited for the Technical Subject Areas. Interested
parties should contact the Local Organizing Committee by email:
Last updated: 19 June 05